Miske Witt & Associates
System Capacity Building
Miske Witt & Associates integrates a capacity building approach into every project. We collaborate with key leaders to develop theories of change and to design strategies for effecting sustainable, system-wide change. We then support the change process by preparing roadmaps and checklists that are easy to follow, by offering leadership development opportunities, and by maintaining regular, ongoing dialogue with our partners.
Since 2010, MWAI has partnered with UNICEF Oman and with Oman’s Ministry of Education to improve educational quality and equity through a Child-Friendly Schools approach.
• Based on our CFS work in 10 other countries, MWAI designed and introduced a “Systems Approach to Implementing Child Friendly Schools in Oman.”
• Oman’s CFS National Working Team developed CFS standards and indicators for Oman. External stakeholders from the Ministries of Health, Justice, and Social Development reviewed, validated, and approved these standards, as did representatives from Sultan Qaboos University; UNFPA; WHO in Oman, and school and community stakeholders – including students – in several Governorates.
• Oman’s National Working Team, with MWAI support, conducted a baseline study of education quality in nine pilot CFS schools of three regions.
• The National Working Team and supporting members piloted a “bottleneck analysis” being introduced by the UNICEF MENA Region with school-level stakeholders. Through this approach, children, teachers, parents, and administrators are exploring potential bottlenecks in the system to equitable enrollment, completion, and learning in the CFS pilot schools.
• In 2014, with the firm and unflagging support of Oman’s leaders, Miske Witt & Associates, in partnership with UNICEF Oman and with Oman’s Ministry of Education, has prepared a roadmap to scale up CFS to all schools in the country by 2020, using the system capacity building approach.