Miske Witt & Associates
Research and Evaluation
Education research and evaluation are central to the work of Miske Witt & Associates. Our consultants have expertise in utilization-focused evaluation, in quantitative and qualitative research, and in action research. We ensure that the most experienced and knowledgeable consultants are engaged in each project, whether in gender and girls’ education, literacy, mathematics, teacher professional development, inclusive education, or other area. MWAI consultants work collaboratively to construct the most effective and appropriate design for each research or evaluation project. This involves working closely with partner organizations to develop relevant and meaningful research questions and a robust methodology.
We conduct baseline and impact studies, situation analyses, needs assessments, formative and summative evaluations. Our research and evaluation designs include quantitative, qualitative mixed methods, or a range of participatory learning and action methods, as appropriate. MWAI fully addresses the implications of study findings, and we make recommendations for next steps, as requested.
In 2011, over 50 MWAI consultants working in eight countries participated in the evaluation of two USAID-funded girls’ leadership programs for CARE USA. We carefully designed the methodology and the instruments of these summative, multi-country evaluations to align with USAID’s Strategic Objectives and with CARE’s project goals. Highly qualified consulting teams consisting of national and expatriate researchers collected the data and experienced researchers analyzed the data for each country and across sites. We highlighted specific findings in country reports and offered summative conclusions about program impact on girls’ leadership overall in project reports.