Miske Witt & Associates
Policy Analysis
Miske Witt & Associates Inc. offers in-depth analysis of new and existing national and international educational policies. In preparation for drafting comprehensive reports, we review policy documents, interview key informants, and consider the socio-political, economic, and cultural contexts in which policies are being implemented. Following analysis, we offer recommendations to stakeholder groups for future policy development, advocacy, and program implementation.
In 2007-2008, MWAI conducted a comprehensive review of Inclusive Education policies and programs for the Ministry of Education of Trinidad and Tobago that was financed by the Inter-American Development Bank. Teams of special needs education experts from Trinidad and Tobago worked with MWAI consultants to assess education for children with special needs in schools and classrooms, teacher education institutions, and beyond.
MWAI prepared a comprehensive review of policies and programs in post-primary education for girls in Sub-Saharan Africa for the East and Southern Africa Region of UNICEF and UNGEI in 2007. (See Transition to Post-Primary Education with a Special Focus on Girls.) In 2011, MWAI consultants examined the potential impact on girls of specific national policies and programs for UNICEF Ethiopia. (See Post-Primary Education in Ethiopia: A Situation Analysis.)
MWAI contracted with UNICEF Azerbaijan in 2013 to conduct a formative evaluation of an educational policy on Active Learning. MWAI consultants examined the policy and related activities along with stakeholder perspectives and the external environment. We made specific recommendations to Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Education and to UNICEF Azerbaijan for short-term and long-term efforts that will further the goal of providing leader-centered education in content-focused Active Learning throughout the country’s schools. UNICEF and the Ministry of Education plan to implement these recommendations to improve student learning outcomes in Azerbaijan.